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Yuri Feldman, Kozlovich, Nick , Nir, Ido , Garti, Nissim , Archipov, Victor , Idiyatullin, Zamil , Zuev, Yuri , and Fedotov, Vladimir. . 1996. Mechanism Of Transport Of Charge Carriers In The Sodium Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Sulfosuccinate-Water -Decane Microemulsion Near The Percolation Temperature Threshold.. Journal Of Physical Chemistry, 100, 9, Pp. 3745–3748. doi:10.1021/JP9525595.
The transport properties near the percolation temp. threshold in the ternary H2O-in-oil microemulsion stabilized by ionic surfactant was studied by measuring the self-diffusion coeffs. of all the constituents of the microemulsion, and the cond. at 10-40°. It can be conjectured that 2 different transition mechanisms of the charge carriers in this temp. region may take place. These may be attributed to either the transfer of counterions from 1 droplet to another through H2O channels or hopping of surfactant ions from droplets within clusters. The cond. and dielec. polarization below the percolation threshold is mainly due to the motion of counterions via H2O channels within the droplet clusters and not a charge-hopping mechanism at the surfactant interface. Above the percolation threshold the latter mechanism appears, connected with migration of surfactant mols. from droplet to droplet within a percolation cluster. The 1st mechanism still dominates. [on SciFinder(R)]
N Garti, Aserin, A, Ezrahi, S, Tiunova, I, and Berkovic, G. 1996. Water Behavior In Nonionic Surfactant Systems I: Subzero Temperature Behavior Of Water In Nonionic Microemulsions Studied By Dsc.. Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 178, 1, Pp. 60–68. doi:10.1006/jcis.1996.0093.
Subzero temp. DSC was applied to a model nonionic microemulsion system (water/pentanol/dodecane/C12(EO)8) to det. the relative concns. of bound and free H2O. Conclusions are drawn concerning the low-temp. behavior of the system, the surfactant hydration, and the role of pentanol. The surfactant becomes satd. with H2O at a ratio of 3 mols. of "interphase" H2O per ethylene oxide group. Free H2O can only be detected by DSC at higher water/surfactant ratios. Apparently nonfreezing H2O is not formed in the model system (at least not before the inversion from W/O to O/W microemulsion has occurred). The thickness of the bound H2O layer in the nonionic model system evaluated by several methods is ∼ 5 \AA (i.e., 2 monolayers of interphase H2O are closely assocd. with the surfactant). Although pentanol enhances H2O solubilization and is present at the interface, its interaction with H2O or surfactant is not revealed by DSC. [on SciFinder(R)]
O Regev, Ezrahi, S, Aserin, A, Garti, N, Wachtel, E, Kaler, EW , Khan, A, and Talmon, Y. 1996. A Study Of The Microstructure Of A Four-Component Nonionic Microemulsion By Cryo-Tem, Nmr, Saxs, And Sans.. Langmuir, 12, 3, Pp. 668–674. doi:10.1021/LA950505G.
One recently reported application of microemulsions is as a fire-resistant hydraulic fluid where efficacy and stability depend among other factors upon the water-solubilizing capacity of the microemulsion and on the relative concn. of the surfactant. A model for such a microemulsion system has been studied using cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), 1H NMR self-diffusion, and small angle X-ray (SAXS) and neutron scattering (SANS). The phase behavior of the system contg. a 1p1:2 oil:alc.:surfactant wt. ratio is characterized by a single continuous microemulsion region starting from a soln. contg. no water and approaching the water corner. Along this diln. line, a structural transition sequence: oil drops → short range, noncontinuous lamellar microstructure → weakly hydrated aggregates is inferred as the water concn. is decreased. The local lamellar microstructure, i.e., stacks of surfactant sheets, oil, and water, randomly oriented in space without the long range correlations that characterize a lamellar liq. crystal is imaged for the first time. [on SciFinder(R)]
IS Saguy, Shani, A, Weinberg, P, and Garti, N. 1996. Utilization Of Jojoba Oil For Deep-Fat Frying Of Foods.. Food Science & Technology (London), 29, 5 & 6, Pp. 573–577. doi:10.1006/fstl.1996.0088.
Jojoba oil is a mixt. of long chain esters comprising C18, C20, C22 and C24 monounsatd. acids and alcs., but in particular two ester mols. contg. 40 and 42 carbon atoms which make up to 80% of the oil. Five quality parameters of jojoba oil were compared with cotton oil in time-temp. conditions simulating abusive industrial deep-fat frying. In four out of five quality criteria, namely, color index, oxidn. index, peroxide value and viscosity, jojoba oil was found to be superior to cotton oil, while free fatty acids showed comparable low values, within the range expected, in industrial frying operations. Oil uptake of a deep-fried restructured potato product was significantly higher in jojoba oil as compared to cotton oil. The enhanced stability during deep-fat frying of jojoba oil could play a part in improving the shelf-life of fried foods. [on SciFinder(R)]
