
Rivka Efrat, Aserin, Abraham , Danino, Dganit , Wachtel, Ellen J, and Garti, Nissim. . 2005. Novel Discrete Micellar Cubic Phase From A Mixture Of Gmo/Ethanol/Water.. Australian Journal Of Chemistry, 58, 11, Pp. 762–766. doi:10.1071/CH05171.
During the reconstruction the ternary phase diagram of glycerol monooleate (GMO)/EtOH/H2O, the authors detected a novel structure not previously seen. The new phase, denoted QL (micellar cubic liq.), is located within the 4954 wt.-% H2O/4133 wt.-% GMO binary mixt. line and at 10-13 wt.-% EtOH in a small island within the phase diagram close to the cubic liq.-cryst. phase region. The QL phase is transparent (not tinted), of a low viscosity (36.6 Pa s), non-birefringent, and stable at room temp. Evidence from severe centrifugation, synchrotron small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements, and rheol. behavior revealed that the sample is a single phase. SAXS reflections suggest that two types of domain may coexist. The symmetry of the QL phase is Pm3n. A cubic micellar structure is the dominant mesostructure of this unique sample. Cryo-TEM images show highly ordered domains with cubic symmetry, of lattice parameter 103 ± 2 \AA. A possible transformation pathway to the QL phase is a 'rupture and refusion' mechanism, as the phase seems to have discontinuous symmetry. [on SciFinder(R)]
Nissim Garti and Wicker, Louise. . 2005. Pectin Methylesterase Modified Pectin Interaction With Whey Protein Isolate And Stability Of Double Emulsions.. In Abstracts Of Papers, 229Th Acs National Meeting, San Diego, Ca, United States, March 13-17, 2005, Pp. CELL–119. American Chemical Society.
Valencia orange pectin methylesterase (PME) isoenzymes were used to de-esterify com. pectin. Unmodified and PME modified pectin were mixed with whey protein isolate (WPI), 90% $\beta$-lactoglobulin, and the interaction was studied using fluorescence, mol. wt., and charge. Double emulsions stabilized by hybrids of WPI and modified pectins were tested for rheol. properties, droplet size and stability. The zeta potential of the hybrids at pH values below the pI of protein was neg. charged at a ratio of 4:0.5 (wt/wt) WPI/pectin. Decreasing stability of double emulsions was obsd. with WPI/pectin complex if neg. charged (pH 6), pos. charged, and highly neg. charged. Rheol. confirmed that double emulsions are most stable at pH 6.0, with highest elasticity (G'/G''= 66°). Droplets of W/O/W double emulsions made from WPI and modified pectin ranged from ca. 15 to ca. 5 $μ$m, depending on pectin. At pH 6.0, stability to coalescence was excellent after 40 days. [on SciFinder(R)]
Anan Yaghmur, Aserin, Abraham , Abbas, Atallah , and Garti, Nissim. . 2005. Reactivity Of Furfural-Cysteine Model Reaction In Food-Grade Five-Component Nonionic O/W Microemulsions.. Colloids And Surfaces, A: Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects, 253, 1-3, Pp. 223–234. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2004.10.114.
In our present study, a model Maillard furfural/cysteine reaction was chosen for exploring and understanding the different aspects that control the reactivity in five-component fully dilutable U-type food-grade oil/water (O/W) microemulsions of R(+)-limonene/ethanol/water/propylene glycol/Tween 60. It was found that these self-assembled nanosized structured systems are capable of enhancing the rate of Maillard reactions in which the selectivity and the reactivity are controlled by the compn. of the interface and its curvature. The sulfur-contg. flavor formation is very efficient if carried out in those O/W microemulsions (modified oil-swollen nanoreactors) and the reaction yields high amts. of key aroma compds. The proposed Tween 60-based O/W systems show strong preference for the formation of 2-(2-furanyl)-thiazolidine (the main product). The O/W reaction medium enhances furfural-cysteine reaction rate (microemulsion catalysis) in comparison to the water-based reaction. It was found that the initial reaction rate (V0) is affected by the solubilized aq. phase content. The furfural-cysteine reaction is affected also by the process conditions (temp., pH, time of reaction). These results suggest that O/W microemulsions are a promising choice for generation of flavors and food products. [on SciFinder(R)]
The present invention concerns ternary system comprising 40 to 65% water; 6 to 22% alc. or a ketone; and 25 to 60% a fatty acid or an ester thereof forming spontaneously a stable, non-viscous and clear nanosized structures having cubic-like nanosized symmetry. The ternary system may be dispersed and used as a solubilizing medium for hydrophobic and hydrophilic substances. [on SciFinder(R)]
Nissim. Garti. 2005. Bicontinuous Liquid Crystalline Mesophases-Solubilization Reactivity And Interfacial Reactions.. Surfactant Science Series, 127, Bicontinuous Liquid Crystals, Pp. 87–423.
A review is presented considering solubilization and interfacial reactions in bicontinuous liq. cryst. mesophases. [on SciFinder(R)]
S Ezrahi, Tuval, E, Aserin, A, and Garti, N. 2005. The Effect Of Structural Variation Of Alcohols On Water Solubilization In Nonionic Microemulsions. 2. Branched Alcohols As Solubilization Modifiers: Results And Interpretation.. Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 291, 1, Pp. 273–281. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2005.04.098.
In this second part of a paper dealing with the effect of branched alcs. on solubilization, an attempt has been made to provide explanations of exptl. data related mostly to the system Brij 97/branched alc. + dodecane = 1:1 (by wt.)/water at 27 ± 0.2 °C . Applying the Hou-Shah mechanism it was shown that for many C4-C6 branched alc. isomers having one Me branch, solubilization behavior is readily interpreted by assuming control of the crit. radius, Rc. Two parameters, both included in the definition of the branching factor, Fb (which was treated in the first part of the paper), were also used to analyze solubilization data. The first, li, is defined as the distance from the free end of the alc. mol. to the Me branch. The second, d, is virtually NA, the chain length of the alc. When li \textgreater 3, the solubilization becomes dominated by the natural radius of curvature, R0. Also, we have suggested that for Rc-control, solubilization will be enhanced in direct proportion to the distance d-li whereas for R0-control, solubilization will increase with decreasing d-li. The validity of our assumptions was demonstrated in many cases. Some examples of the more complicated case of double branching (two Me groups along the alc. chain) were also analyzed. [on SciFinder(R)]
S Ezrahi, Tuval, E, Aserin, A, and Garti, N. 2005. The Effect Of Structural Variation Of Alcohols On Water Solubilization In Nonionic Microemulsions. 1. From Linear To Branched Amphiphiles-General Considerations.. Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 291, 1, Pp. 263–272. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2005.04.097.
This article is the first part of a two-part study that exemplifies how to treat the solubilization of water in multicomponent surfactant-based systems. In particular, it aims at clarifying the role of cosurfactants in water solubilization in these systems. The judicious selection of the components in such systems to maximize water solubilization is occasionally thought to be dictated by the chain length compatibility principle, which may be expressed quant. by the BSO (Bansal, Shah, O'Connell) equation. Here we demonstrate some limitations of the equation. For example, in our best model system, C12(EO)8/dodecane + pentanol = 1:1 (by wt.)/water at 27 ± 0.2 ° C, the BSO equation predicts that no alc. is needed for max. water solubilization, contrary to our exptl. findings. We discuss how to optimize the alc./oil wt. ratio needed for stabilizing four-component microemulsions. In our model systems C12(EO)8 or C18:1(EO)10/pentanol/dodecane/water, this optimal wt. ratio is 1:1. We also highlight the difference between the effect of normal alcs. on water solubilization-which passes via a max.-and their effect on percolation processes and structured changes of proteins, which depends solely upon the alc. hydrophobicity. For the investigation of the effect of branching on phase behavior the utilization of an extended form of the geometrical branching factor F b is suggested. The meaning of this factor is elucidated by comparing it with topol. indexes. [on SciFinder(R)]
Morris Zelkha, Ben-Yehuda, Mordechai , Hartal, Dov , Raveh, Yigal , and Garti, Nissim. . 2005. Industrial Processing Of Tomatoes And Lycopene Extraction.. Greece 3051663 (Greek Patent ).
Disclosed is a process for the manuf. of tomato products, comprises the steps of: (a) pretreating the tomatoes by conventional operations, including crushing; (b) subjecting them to heat treatment; (c) sepg. the crushed tomatoes into serum and pulp contg. at least 500 ppm of lycopene; (d) subjecting the pulp to solvent extn., in order to ext. therefrom an oleoresin contg. lycopene; (e) sepg. the spent pulp; and (f) sepg. the lycopene ext. from the solvents, whereby to obtain oleoresin contg. the lycopene and to recover the solvents. [on SciFinder(R)]
Novel method for the solubilization of extracted lycopene
Nissim Garti, Amar-Yuli, Idit , Spernath, Aviram , and Hoffman, Roy E. 2005. Solubilization And Bioavailability Of Nutraceuticals By New Self-Assembled Nanosized Liquid Structures In Food Systems.. Special Publication - Royal Society Of Chemistry, 298, Food Colloids, Pp. 395–419.
A review of the current state of knowledge on self-assembled surfactant systems used as vehicles for nutraceuticals in food matrixes. Efforts have been made to find the correct mixt. of microemulsion ingredients and surfactants to inhibit liq.-crystal formation and phase sepn., and to maximize dissoln. of mutual ingredients, to structure food-grade microemulsions. The formation of progressively dilutable microemulsions (with oil and/or water) has been made possible by the addn. of polyols and short-chain alcs. [on SciFinder(R)]
Idit Amar-Yuli and Garti, Nissim. . 2005. Transitions Induced By Solubilized Fat Into Reverse Hexagonal Mesophases.. Colloids And Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces, 43, 2, Pp. 72–82. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2005.03.011.
Lyotropic liq. crystals of glycerol monooleate (GMO) and water binary mixts. have been extensively studied and their resemblance to human membranes has intrigued many scientists. Biol. systems as well as food mixts. are composed of lipids and fat components including triacylglycerols (TAGs, triglycerides) that can affect the nature of the assembly of the mesophase. The present study examines the effect of TAGs of different chain lengths (C2-C18) at various water/GMO compns., on phase transitions from lamellar or cubic to reverse hexagonal (L$\alpha$-HII and Q-HII). The ability of the triglycerides to promote the formation of an HII mesophase is chain length-dependent. It was found that TAG mols. with very short acyl chains (triacetin) can hydrate the head groups of the lipid and do not affect the crit. packing parameter (CPP) of the amphiphile; therefore, they do not affect the self-assembly of the GMO in water, and the mesophase remains lamellar or cubic. However, TAGs with medium chain fatty acids will solvate the tails of the lipid, and will affect the CPP of the GMO, and transform the lamellar or cubic phases into hexagonal mesophase. TAGs with long chain fatty acids are very bulky, not very miscible with the GMO, and therefore, kinetically are very slow to solvate the lipid tails of the amphiphile and are difficult to accommodate into the lipophilic parts of the GMO. Their effect on the transitions from a lamellar or cubic phase to hexagonal is detected only after months of equilibration. In order to enhance the effect of the TAG on the phase transitions in the GMO/triglyceride/water systems, temp. and electrolytes effects were examd. In the presence of short and medium chain triglycerides, increasing temp. caused a transition from lamellar or hexagonal to L2 phase (highest CPP value). However, in the presence of long chain TAGs, increasing temp. to ca. 40 °C caused a formation of HII mesophase. In addn., it was found that in tricaprylin/GMO/water systems, the increase in temp. caused a decrease in the lattice parameter. The effect of NaCl on the HII mesophase revealed interesting results. At low concn. of tricaprylin (5 wt%), the addn. of only 0.1 wt% of NaCl was sufficient to cause the formation of well-defined HII mesophase, while further addn. of electrolyte increased the hexagonal lattice parameters. At higher TAGs concns. (10 wt%), addn. of electrolyte resulted in the formation of HII with modifications of the lattice parameter. All the examd. effects were more pronounced with increasing water content. [on SciFinder(R)]
H Furedi-Milhofer, Ofir, PBY , Sikiric, M, and Garti, N. 2004. Control Of Calcium Phosphate Crystal Nucleation, Growth And Morphology By Polyelectrolytes. In Bioceramics 16, 254-2:Pp. 11–14. Fund Ciencia & Tecnol; Cipan; Univ Porto, Fac Engenhar; Reitoria Univ Porto; INEB Inst Engenhar Biomed.
Crystal growth of calcium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate (DCPD), in the presence of polyaspartic acid or calcium phytate (system A), as well as nucleation and growth of octacalcium phosphate (OCP), in the presence of poly-l-lysine, poly-l-glutamic acid or polystyrene sulfonate (system B) have been investigated. In system A crystallization of DCPD was inhibited and the crystal growth morphology was specifically modified by preferential interaction of the respective additive with the dominant (010) crystal face. In system B crystals were formed via precursor phase(s) and polyelectrolytes exhibited dual action, at low concentrations inducing and at high concentrations inhibiting nucleation of the crystalline phase. Crystal/additive interactions controlling growth were nonspecific and resulted in smaller crystals with rounded edges, but with the same basic orientation as in the controls.
H Fueredi-Milhofer, Ofir, Bar-Yosef P, Sikiric, M, and Garti, N. 2004. Control Of Calcium Phosphate Crystal Nucleation, Growth And Morphology By Polyelectrolytes.. Key Engineering Materials, 254-256, Bioceramics, Pp. 11–14. doi:10.4028/
Crystal growth of calcium hydrogenphosphate dihydrate (DCPD), in the presence of polyaspartic acid or calcium phytate (system A), as well as nucleation and growth of octacalcium phosphate (OCP), in the presence of poly-L-lysine, poly-L-glutamic acid or polystyrene sulfonate (system B) were investigated. In system A crystn. of DCPD was inhibited and the crystal growth morphol. was specifically modified by preferential interaction of the resp. additive with the dominant (010) crystal face. In system B crystals were formed via precursor phase(s) and polyelectrolytes exhibited dual action, at low concns. inducing and at high concns. inhibiting nucleation of the cryst. phase. Crystal/additive interactions controlling growth were nonspecific and resulted in smaller crystals with rounded edges, but with the same basic orientation as in the controls. [on SciFinder(R)]
A Benichou, Aserin, A, and Garti, N. 2004. Double Emulsions Stabilized With Hybrids Of Natural Polymers For Entrapment And Slow Release Of Active Matters.. Advances In Colloid And Interface Science, 108-109, Pp. 29–41. doi:10.1016/j.cis.2003.10.013.
A review. The main focus and efforts for the next few years in the area of emulsion technol. will be to improve stability and control the release of active matter in double emulsions (3rd World Congress on Emulsions, Lyon, France, Sept. 2002). Almost any possible blends of low-mol. wt. emulsifiers, oils, cosolvents and coemulsifiers were already tested. Biopolymers, synthetic graft and comb co-polymers and polymerizable emulsifiers that impart steric or mech. stabilization with improved stability and better controlled release were explored. Amphiphilic macromols., natural occurring or synthetic, that increase the viscosity of each of the phases, complex with the oil or the emulsifiers and form systems that will behave much like microcapsules, microspheres and/or mesophasic liq. crystals were mentioned as possible new technologies for improved stability. This review will conc. only on the most recent findings that can enhance stability of the double emulsions and/or will reduce droplets sizes for potential food applications. The attempts and achievements include: selection of food-grade blends of emulsifiers to enhance emulsion stability at both inner and outer interfaces and use of new polymeric amphiphiles (carriers, complexing agents, natural polymeric emulsifiers) to control and reduce the reverse micellar transport phenomena and to control the addenda transport. [on SciFinder(R)]
Liliana de Campo, Yaghmur, Anan , Garti, Nissim , Leser, Martin E, Folmer, Britta , and Glatter, Otto. . 2004. Five-Component Food-Grade Microemulsions: Structural Characterization By Sans.. Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 274, 1, Pp. 251–267. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2004.02.027.
In this paper we present the structural characterization of a five-component food-grade microemulsion contg. Tween 80, R(+)-limonene, ethanol, glycerol, and water. Our main approach to investigating the microstructure of dense microemulsions, and how it can be influenced by the various components, was to employ small-angle neutron scattering and the new evaluation technique for dense, interacting systems, the Generalized Indirect Fourier Transformation. We started our investigation with the impact of glycerol and ethanol on Tween 80 micelles in water. We found that glycerol increases the aggregation no. and withdraws the hydrating agents from the headgroup region of the surfactant, resulting in a higher packing d. of mols. in a micelle at slightly increasing size. The same trend holds when the micelles are oil swollen and/or ethanol is present. Ethanol, on the other hand, redistributes mainly between water and the interface-headgroup region of the surfactant. Part of it replaces surfactant mols. in the micelles, which increases the available interface and results in a higher no. of micelles with shrinking size. The same trend holds when the micelles are oil swollen and/or glycerol is present in the aq. phase. We also investigated samples along the diln. of a mixt. of surfactant and oil phase (R(+)-limonene and ethanol), which can be dild. with aq. phase (mixt. of water and glycerol) without the occurrence of phase sepn. In some samples of this diln. most probably bicontinuous structures are present. To elucidate this point, we also employed dynamic light scattering, viscosity, and cond. measurements. [on SciFinder(R)]
M Shevachman, Shani, A, and Garti, N. 2004. Formation And Investigation Of Microemulsions Based On Jojoba Oil And Nonionic Surfactants.. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists' Society, 82, 12, Pp. 79. doi:10.1007/s11746-004-1032-2.
The properties of jojoba oil make it uniquely suited as a raw material for the cosmetics industry. Water-based, thermodynamically stable prepns. of jojoba oil are essential in many formulations. New microemulsions were prepd. based on jojoba oil and different nonionic surfactants, namely polyoxyethylene-(ethylene oxide)10-oleyl alc. (brij 96V) and ethoxylated sorbitan esters (Tweens). The effects of the surfactants and of primary alcs. as cosurfactants on the isotropic regions of the phase diagram were elucidated. It was found that, up to a certain cosurfactant chain length, the isotropic region expanded considerably as chain length increased. The size of the isotropic region also increased as a function of the ethylene glycol content of the aq. phase in microemulsions based on ethoxylated alc. but shrank when ethylene glycol was included in microemulsions prepd. with ethoxylated sorbitan esters. Secondary structural phase transitions from water-in-oil to bicontinuous and to oil-in-water structures (as detd. by measuring cond. and viscosity) were found to be related to jojoba oil content. Dynamic light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering studies established that incorporation of jojoba oil into Brij 96V micelles caused micellar transformation from elongated to spherical droplets and a decrease in the aggregation no. [on SciFinder(R)]
Idit Amar, Aserin, Abraham , and Garti, Nissim. . 2004. Microstructure Transitions Derived From Solubilization Of Lutein And Lutein Esters In Food Microemulsions.. Colloids And Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces, 33, 3-4, Pp. 143–150. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2003.08.009.
Solubilization and structural transformations in nonionic food microemulsions, characterized by large continuous isotropic region, contg. solubilized lutein, and lutein ester were studied. The prepns. are of oil-based concs. composed of solubilized lutein or lutein ester in reverse micelles constructed from hydrophilic surfactant, alc. and R(+)-limonene. The reverse micelles are dild. along a 60/40 surfactant/oil diln. line with aq. phase (contg. water and glycerol) up to the opposite corner of the diagram where o/w microemulsions are formed passing through a bicontinuous phase, without any visual phase sepn. The diln. goes through two structural transitions that were detd. in empty (ref.) and solubilized systems. The solubilization capacity of both free lutein (FL) and lutein ester (LE) is considerably higher (as expected) in the reverse micelles (no aq. phase), and in the W/O microemulsions than in the O/W microemulsions, but the highest solubilization was obtained within the bicontinuous phase. The solubilization was found to be affected by the lipophilicity of the surfactant and is also concn.-dependent throughout all the microemulsions structures, but the most pronounced surfactant effect was shown to be in the bicontinuous region. Structural transitions w/o → bicontinuous occurred at 30% aq. phase in empty (ref.) microemulsions as well as in microemulsions contg. solubilized free and esterified lutein (at the max. solubilization levels). However, the transitions bicontinuous → o/w occurred at higher aq. phase contents of 50 and 60% aq. phase for FL and LE, resp., in comparison to a transition at 40% for the empty microemulsion. As a result, the bicontinuous region in the presence of the guest mols. becomes much broader. The results indicate that in the reverse swollen micelles the guest mols., being practically lipophilic will be easily accommodated at the concaved water interfaces (in the w/o region), which will enable high solubilization capacities, and without significant modifications of the interface. It becomes also evident that at zero curvature interfaces (bicontinuous) and in convex interfaces (oil/water) the lutein ester (the more lipophilic mol.) penetrates into the interface and swells both the bicontinuous interface and the droplets, similarly to most guest mols. However, free lutein is poorly accommodated at the interface and interferes with the interfacial organization and modifies the flattened curvature, affecting the transformation from bicontinuous to o/w droplets. [on SciFinder(R)]
Yana Berkovich, Aserin, Abraham , and Garti, Nissim. . 2004. Practical And Mechanistic Considerations In The Use Of W/O/W Double Emulsions For Microencapsulation Of Fine Boron Particles.. Journal Of Dispersion Science And Technology, 25, 1, Pp. 89–99. doi:10.1081/DIS-120027673.
Fine boron powd. particles with diam. of ≤1 $μ$m were encapsulated in poly(Me methacrylate-Et acrylate) using water/oil/water (W/O/W) double emulsion. The microencapsulation process, factors affecting microcapsule (MIC) formation and dimensions, and flocculation phenomena of the encapsulated powders, were studied to optimize the product. Optical and SEM observations indicate that the double emulsion technique yielded microcapsules with diam. of 30 to 250 $μ$m, depending on the process parameters. Two encapsulation mechanisms are proposed. The first, prevailing at low vol. fraction of the primary emulsion (ϕ2 ≤ 0.01), leads to the formation of MICs derived from discrete secondary emulsion droplets. The second, which is more significant with the increase of ϕ2, at boron-to-polymer ratio (n) of 0.7, is derived from the coalescence of the secondary emulsion drops, leading to sepn. of polymer-boron aggregates. The most problematic step of microencapsulation is the drying process of MICs. At n = 0.7, hypo-osmotic drying leads to partial water withdrawal from the drop interior upon heating and solvent evapn.; the boron particles do not form a solid core. Water diln. of the double emulsion results in addnl. osmotic water withdrawal from the MIC interior. MICs from discrete liq. drops or from sepd. aggregates have similar (30-50 $μ$m) dimensions detd. by the d. matching law. Microgranulated powders prepd. at n = 0.7, may result in flocs due to the agglomeration of polymer-boron aggregates during the drying process. The dimensions of the flocs depend on the drying regime that can be controlled to form particles of desired dimensions. At n = 1 and ϕ2 = 0.01, when water is completely eliminated from MICs simultaneously with solvent evapn., fast drop solidification leads to the formation of solid core. The diam. of the resulting MICs is 200-250 $μ$m. Powd. boron is a component of propellants, and encapsulation provides for coarsening of particles and surface protection, both of which are required for the application. [on SciFinder(R)]
Axel Benichou, Aserin, Abraham , and Garti, Nissim. . 2004. Protein-Polysaccharide Interactions For Stabilization Of Food Emulsions. [Erratum To Document Cited In Ca137:168429].. Journal Of Dispersion Science And Technology, 25, 2, Pp. 239. doi:10.1081/DIS-120030670.
Some parts of the review were taken from an article by Schmitt et al. entitled "Structure and Technofunctional Properties of Protein-Polysaccharide Complexes. A Review" (C. Schmitt, C. Sanchez, S. Desobry-Banan, and J. Hardy, Crit. Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 38 (8), 689-753, 1998). Much of the section on Industrial applications of Protein-Polysaccharide Complexes on pages 114-115 were paraphrased or taken directly from Section V-Industrial Utilization of Protein-Polysaccharide complexes on page 730-736 of Schmitt et al. The material borrowed so directly should have been set off in quotes and had more direct attribution and the table should have indicated its source. Table 3 on page 117 was reproduced from Table 8 of Schmitt et al. and the table should have indicated its source. The caption to Figure 10 is incorrect. The figure was extd. from a ref. which should be added to the ref. list as Ref. 36b: C. Schmitt, C. Sanchez, A. Lamprecht, D. Renard, C.-M. Lehr, C. G. de Kruif and J. Hardy. "Study of beta-Lactoglobulin-Acacia Gum Complex Coacervation Using Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy." Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 20 (3), 267-280, 2001. [on SciFinder(R)]
N. Garti R. and Lutz. 2004. Recent Progress In Double Emulsions, In Interface Science And Technology. Emulsions: Structure Stability And Interactions, 4, Elsevier, Pp. 557-605.
Eli Pinthus, Garti, Nissim , Kerzner, Mordechai , Sela, Yoram , and Kotev, Chanoch. . 2004. Apparatus For Bench Scale Tablet-Making..
A tablet-making apparatus comprising die supports and guide supports fixed upon a base, plunger guides supported by the guide supports, a die having an opening through which powder may be charged, two plunger rods with opposing faces, the rods being horizontally disposed and reciprocally received within the die, and a means for activating the reciprocal movement of the plungers whereby, a tablet may be formed within the die and between the opposing plunger rod faces and then moved to a position to be gravitationally discharged. [on SciFinder(R)]
