Spectral absorption measurements for determination of ease of formation and stability of oil in water emulsions.


VR KAUFMAN and Garti, N. 1981. “Spectral Absorption Measurements For Determination Of Ease Of Formation And Stability Of Oil In Water Emulsions.”. Journal Of Dispersion Science And Technology, 2, 4, Pp. 475–490. doi:10.1080/01932698108943925.


Ease of formation and stability of oil (D-limonene) in water emulsions were studied and detd. by measuring the spectral adsorption of dild. emulsions at 2 wavelengths (800 nm and 400 nm). Stability indexes were derived from measurements carried out 24 h after prepn. at room temp. and after an addnl. 8 h of incubation at 75°. Various factors affecting emulsion stability, such as type of emulsifier and required HLB, oil concn., and amt. of emulsifier and the method of prepn. were tested by using this method. [on SciFinder(R)]
Last updated on 06/28/2020