Quantitative determination of creaming in O/W emulsions by use of absorption measurements of oil soluble dyes.


O ARKAD, ARKAD, T, and Garti, N. 1986. “Quantitative Determination Of Creaming In O/W Emulsions By Use Of Absorption Measurements Of Oil Soluble Dyes.”. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft Und -Technologie, 19, 2, Pp. 164–166.


An easy and new method for the quant. evaluation of creaming for oil-in-water emulsions used absorption measurements of a dye dissolved in the oil phase prior to the emulsion prepn. The measurements were carried out by dissolving samples, withdrawn at different intervals from the bottom of the stored emulsions, in Me2CO, to obtain clear colored solns. The technique was suitable to predict the tendency of an emulsion to undergo creaming. The proposed method has been compared to known methods for droplet size evaluation, and a good correlation was obtained. [on SciFinder(R)]

Last updated on 05/27/2020