Nucleation and growth in the solid-solid phase transitions of n-alkanes.


Koji Nozaki and Hikosaka, Masamichi. . 2001. “Nucleation And Growth In The Solid-Solid Phase Transitions Of N-Alkanes.”. In Cryst. Processes Fats Lipid Syst., Pp. 151–176. Marcel Dekker, Inc.


A review discusses the mol. mechanisms of the solid-solid phase transitions, such as the "rotator phase transition," of n-alkanes. Such mechanisms have important relevance to various complicated phys. and chem. properties of biol., food, and industrial materials. The rotator phase transitions of n-alkanes are mainly controlled by the primary nucleation and growth processes and a precursor called "wrinkle" plays an essential role in the onset of nucleation. Significant hysteresis in transition temp. between the heating and cooling processes is due to accumulation of strain within crystals on heating process which accelerates nucleation. Tilting and side chain packing are important independent factors in phase transitions. [on SciFinder(R)]

Last updated on 05/27/2020