Lyotropic liquid crystals as delivery vehicles for good ingredients.


J Barauskas and Nylander, T. 2008. “Lyotropic Liquid Crystals As Delivery Vehicles For Good Ingredients.”. In Delivery Controlled Release Bioact. Foods Nutraceuticals, Pp. 107–131. Woodhead Publishing Ltd. doi:10.1533/9781845694210.1.107.


A review focuses on how the non-lamellar liq. cryst. phase can be turned into well-defined LCNP that can be used to entrap compds. with low aq. soly. as well as hydrophilic compds. It also discusses the stability of the compds. in terms of hydrolysis as well as what happens when these particles interact with an interface. [on SciFinder(R)]

Last updated on 05/27/2020