Influences of colloidal state on physical properties of solid fats.


Heike Bunjes and Westesen, Kirsten. . 2001. “Influences Of Colloidal State On Physical Properties Of Solid Fats.”. In Cryst. Processes Fats Lipid Syst., Pp. 457–483. Marcel Dekker, Inc.


A review discusses the resulting phenomena from the disintegration of solid, cryst. lipids into particles of colloidal size, which is related to the colloidal state of the matrix lipids. Topics discussed include supercooling and formation of dispersions of supercooled melts; phase sepn. within colloidal triacylglycerol particles; polymorphic transitions and other aging phenomena; effect of particle size of triacylglycerols in further alterations of their physicochem. properties; and the gel formation. Several examples are presented to illustrate that it is very risky and often impossible to conclude from the behavior of bulk materials to that in the colloidal state. [on SciFinder(R)]

Last updated on 05/27/2020