A Aserin, FRENKEL, M, and Garti, N. 1984. “Hplc Analysis Of Nonionic Surfactants. Part Iv. Polyoxyethylene Fatty Alcohols.”. Jaocs, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 61, 4, Pp. 805–809.
A high-performance liq. chromatog. method was used for the anal. of nonionic surfactants (oleyl and dibromostearyl alcs. ethoxylated with 1-20 oxyethylene units). The method involved the use of a Lichrosorb SI-60 (10 $μ$) column (4.6 mm internal diam., 25 cm long) with a hexane-MeOH-Me2CHOH mixt. as the mobile phase at 50° with UV detection at 220 nm. No derivatization of the ethoxylates was required. An improved baseline was achieved by adding anthracene to the eluents. [on SciFinder(R)]