Facilitated emulsion liquid membrane separation of complex hydrocarbon mixtures.


N Garti and Kovacs, A. 1991. “Facilitated Emulsion Liquid Membrane Separation Of Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures.”. Journal Of Membrane Science, 56, 3, Pp. 239–246. doi:10.1016/S0376-7388(00)83036-7.


Solvent extn. and sepn. of polar components from kerosine was based on the formation of an emulsion liq. membrane; such extns. were successful if a facilitating agent (e.g., N-methylpyrrolidone, I) was used in conjunction with a high HLB surfactant (e.g., Tween 20). Phase sepn. of an oil-in-water emulsion of kerosine and I dispersed in n-hexane was achieved in a mixer-settler (at 300-350 rpm) for 10 min.; mass transfer was estd. quant. Surfactants with low HLB inhibited sepn. of polar components but participated in the sepn. of apolar components. The emulsion system behaved like a regular liq.-liq. extn. process with increasing addns. of I in the presence of Tween 20; however, a lower yield of non-polar components was obsd. with increasing polarity of the permeate stream. [on SciFinder(R)]

Last updated on 05/27/2020