The heats of soln. of Na octanoate in water, 1-propanol, and aq. mixts. of 1-propanol, 1-butanol, and 1-hexanol and of alcs. in aq. solns. of Na octanoate at various concns. were detd. calorimetrically at 35°. Most values are exothermic and strongly dependent on the solute concn. The main energetic factor governing the process of dissoln. of the surfactant is assocd. with changes in the water structure caused by the presence of alc. That governing the process of the alc. dissoln. in surfactant solns. is due to the effect alcs. have on the crit. micelle concn. of the octanoate. There is no indication of the alc. being either solubilized in the interior of the aq. micelle, or becoming part of the micellar firm. The soly. at 35° of Na octanoate in water, 1-propanol, and their mixts. was also detd. [on SciFinder(R)]