Dividing planes of hexagonal HII mesophase.


Vesselin Kolev, Aserin, Abraham , and Garti, Nissim. . 2012. “Dividing Planes Of Hexagonal Hii Mesophase.”. In Self-Assem. Supramol. Archit., Pp. 79–96. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi:10.1002/9781118336632.ch3.


A review. Presented is a brief review of the cylindrical dividing surfaces (planes) of the hexagonal inverse HII phase-Luzzati, pivotal, and neutral. They are presented as interrelated surfaces through the general expression of elastic energy per mol. valid for the corresponding surface. For each of the planes, the routine for deriving the plane parameters-radius, area, and vol. per mol., as well as their role in terms of mech. description the of HII phase-is described in detail. Special attention is paid to the numerical routines for parameter calcns. from exptl. data, using least-squares routines and the related methods of merit function optimization (minimization). In addn., cases of error estn. are presented along with discussions about the accuracy of used numerical routines. [on SciFinder(R)]

Last updated on 05/27/2020