Idit Amar-Yuli, Aserin, Abraham , and Garti, Nissim. . 2011. “Some Characteristics Of Lyotropic Liquid-Crystalline Mesophases.”. In Self-Surfactant Struct., Pp. 89–120. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. doi:10.1002/9783527632633.ch4.
This review is dedicated to the memory of Professor Kunieda Hironobu and his Fundamental scientific contribution in the study of lyotropic liq. crystals. It displays an assortment of studies from his research group describing unique liq.-cryst. systems and novel phases.which represent their contribution to this topic. Finally, modern studies focusing on the formation of novel and modified structures on the basis of nonionic surfactant, monoolein, are discussed. [on SciFinder(R)]